Finding Donors for CharityML

CharityML is a fictitious charity organization located in the heart of Silicon Valley that was established to provide financial support for people eager to learn machine learning. After nearly 32,000 letters were sent to people in the community, CharityML determined that every donation they received came from someone that was making more than $50,000 annually. To expand their potential donor base, CharityML has decided to send letters to residents of California, but to only those most likely to donate to the charity. With nearly 15 million working Californians, CharityML has brought you on board to help build an algorithm to best identify potential donors and reduce overhead cost of sending mail. Your goal will be evaluate and optimize several different supervised learners to determine which algorithm will provide the highest donation yield while also reducing the total number of letters being sent.


Your project will be reviewed by a Udacity reviewer against the Finding Donors for CharityML project rubric. Be sure to review this rubric thoroughly and self-evaluate your project before submission. All criteria found in the rubric must be meeting specifications for you to pass.

Submission Files

When you are ready to submit your project, collect the following files and compress them into a single archive for upload. Alternatively, you may supply the following files on your GitHub Repo in a folder named finding_donors for ease of access:

  • The finding_donors.ipynb notebook file with all questions answered and all code cells executed and displaying output.
  • An HTML export of the project notebook with the name report.html. This file must be present for your project to be evaluated.

Project Submission Checklist

Before submitting your project, please review and confirm the following items.
I am confident all rubric items have been met and my project will pass as submitted.
Project builds correctly without errors and runs.
All required functionality exists and my project behaves as expected per the project's specifications.

Once you have checked all these items, you are ready to submit!

I'm Ready!

When you're ready to submit your project, click on the Submit Project button at the bottom of the page.

What's Next?

You will get an email as soon as your reviewer has feedback for you. In the meantime, review your next project and feel free to get started on it or the courses supporting it!